Phani Raj
Software Engineer at PostHog

Hi all, I'm running a short survey to guage interest in an Excel 2007 plugin that reads OData feeds. Please take this short survey so that I can figure out which scenarios you want to target with this plugin. Survey link

Test post, please ignore.

Click here to download. generates a strongly-typed DataServiceContext type based on the service description. generates the client-side proxies for entity types exposed by the OData service. ( Silverlight Only ) generates viewmodels based on the entity type and provides some ease-of-use apis. More documentation coming soon.

One of the reasons for re-building the OData browser for Windows Phone was to experience first hand the issues our developers face when writing an app for the marketplace that uses the client library my team produces. This blog post describes what I learnt as a developer on the OData browser and what feedback the team received after this exercise. Disclaimer : I wrote a lot of the code for the browser such as metadata parsing, dynamic service access without...

Download it from the Zune marketplace by clicking this link Read inaugural blog post about it here

Since the company got me a Windows Phone 7 device and also paid for my developer account, I feel obligated to put an application for the market place out there. Hence. we have the OData browser for Windows Phone 7 . I am currently testing with a couple of brave beta testers and will be uploading this app to the market place at the End of this week, i.e. the 22nd of January 2011. Here are some screens : 1....

Team blog post here : WCF Data Services Client Library and Windows Phone 7 – Next Steps And some sample code for more context. With the Linq pattern, here is what the code for downloading the first 10 customers would look like : DataServiceCollection<Customer> customerCollection = new DataServiceCollection<Customer>(Context); customerCollection.Load(Context.CreateQuery<Customer>("Customers").Take(10)); Now, with the URI pattern, this is what it looks like : DataServiceCollection<Customer> customerCollection = new DataServiceCollection<Customer>(Context); customerCollection.Load(Context.CreateQuery<Customer>("Customers").Take(10)); var top10CustomersUri = new Uri("Customers?$top=10", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Context.BeginExecute<Customer>(top10CustomersUri, (asResult) => { var top10CustomersResponse =...