Phani Raj
Software Engineer at PlanetScale

Download sample application and source here This blog post was written almost a year ago, but lethargy and constant revision has made me realize that good blog posts are hard to write. Background Nuts and Bolts Using this in your applications: Vote to get these features in the DataServiceCollection<TEntity> type Background When the DataGrid shipped in Silverlight 3 SDK, there were a lot of cool things you could do with it. You could sort items by a column by clicking...

Click here to download sample application As part of a series of blog posts about how to enhance the WCF Data Services development experience, I will be releasing some of the T4 templates that I use for generating common code. In this post, I will talk about augmenting the Server-side WCF Data Service by generating Query/Change Interceptors for all given entity sets present in a model. As this is  proof of concept code only, this T4 template will only work...

With the latest release of the Windows Phone tools, the OData sample Netflix application has also been updated. Here is where you get the latest Windows Phone Tools :  Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta And here is where you get the latest OData sample application : Original blog post here : Developing a Windows Phone 7 Application that consumes OData

Download Sample Application What is this ? How do I use this in my applications ? Cool, I am also interested in learning how this was built 2. What is this ?          An “Auto-paging Enumerable” is an IEnumerable implementation that allows the application to         automatically fetch the next page of results if the current page of results is enumerated and the application wants more.          By “Smart”, we mean that we only load the next page when the...

Install Silverlight 4 RTM Explore the latest OData Explorer release. As part of the update, we fixed a couple of bugs and added a couple of more features. Here’s a rundown of the new features we added .   1.Sorting           2.Projections 3.Integration with Public Live OData Service list from                  4.Better debugging for Service errors :

Download Sample Application Server Side What is SDP ? Design notes Blog post , Channel 9 video Enabling SDP on the server. Setting Server-side paging limits in InitializeService. How to detect if a set is paged from the server-side. How QueryInterceptors affect the next link Uri. Navigating the next link Uri in the browser Client Side SDP and DataServiceCollection APIs SDP and QueryOperationResponse Server Side 3. Enabling SDP on the server. On the Server-side , to use any of the...

Seeing as it is that Silverlight 4 RTM just went live , You should see an error message that says that the application is written for an obsolete version of Silverlight. We are working on updating the explorer to SL 4 RTM. Please bear with us while we update the sources and go through some bug fixes for the RTM version of the explorer.