Phani Raj
Software Engineer at PostHog

Here's a minimal checklist to make sure your OData Service is available to a maximum number of clients and very functional out of the box . I'll add more items to this list as we go along. Allow Silverlight clients to access your data. Silverlight applications running on a domain other than the one the Data Service is hosted on require a ClientAccessPolicy.xml file at the root of the webserver. Without a CAP.xml file , an in-browser Silverlight application cannot...

So , here you are trying to build an awesome OData client application in SL3 using the V.S 2010 RC’s just as amazing Multi-targeting support for Silverlight applications. You’ve downloaded the SL3 CTP3 assembly from here and unzipped the System.Data.Services.Client.dll file to a local folder c:\temp\SL3_CTP3_OData_Client ( your folder may vary ). Using a V2 feature in the client library , after adding a reference to the client library from the local folder , results in a compilation error. Error...

When we put out the sources for the OData Explorer on the site , we broke something in the sources which prevent them from building on your machine. We will be updating  the  sources on the OData SDK link quickly once the work week begins . In the meantime , here are the four issues that need to be fixed for the sources to build on your machine Issue  #1 : The dependency on the Silverlight toolkit is not...

Click here to download the source for this application System Requirements : 1. Windows Phone 7 Developer tools 2. The OData client library for Windows Phone 7. We start by running Visual Studio 2010 Express For Windows Phone which is installed as part of Windows Phone 7 Developer tools. Step Zero is to generate the client types for the netflix Odata Service using the DataSvcUtil.exe tool. In the Mix RC release the “Add Service Reference” window is broken and will...

What is the OData Explorer ? As the name suggests, its a Silverlight application that can be installed in-browser and out of browser , and allows you to perform ad-hoc and guided queries across a given OData Service. Where can I get the sources for the OData Explorer ? In the “OData SDK - Sample Code” section of The Service I am browsing to doesn’t have a ClientAccessPolicy.xml or CrossDomain.xml file , Can I use the ODataExplorer against it...

Yep , we now have open positions for a few testers who get to work on the next generation of Data Protocols. Some advantages of working on the team : 1. You get to work with Pablo Castro 2. We have annual ski events which are always fun 3. The team is filled with some of the smartest people you’ll come to know 4.  You get to own and deliver key components of the Astoria runtime while learning a lot...

While developing an application that spans multiple tiers , it is important that you be able to flow error information through the tiers without losing any context or details in the tiers. With ADO.NET Data Services , we have an error contract which guarantees that all errors thrown from the Data Service , wrapped inside a DataServiceException , will be represented in a standard way on the wire when we send the error down to the client. For example ,...